Field Service East 2022 Event Recap

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Last week, Bolt Data attended Field Service East in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Field Service East is one of the largest field service industry conferences with over 1,000 attendees and dozens of exhibitors. The conference provided a great opportunity for field service professionals to learn about new products and gain insights on how to improve their service organization. At our Bolt Data booth, our team members spoke to many attendees who were interested in our connected field service software solution, Bolt Data Connect. We also had the opportunity to meet with other technology solution providers to learn about their recent advancements in field service.
Bolt Data’s Breakout Session on the Topic of Connected Field Service
Throughout the duration of Field Service East, attendees had the opportunity to attend a variety of seminars, breakout sessions and keynotes. The conference featured over 30 speakers covering a wide range of topics such as field service automation solutions, next-gen tools for field service engineers and value-based service models. Bolt Data CEO, Rob Meredith, presented to conference attendees his expert insights on the topic of leveraging IoT and asset data to make tangible breakthrough impacts in field service. Rob’s presentation highlighted how it is possible to make an IoT implementation feasible for any service organization by starting with a small number of assets and scaling rollout slowly.

Demonstrations of Bolt Data’s Connected Field Service Solution for Salesforce
During the conference, Bolt Data demonstrated the capabilities of Bolt Data Connect to conference attendees. Attendees were able to see the real-time monitoring alerts, data visualizations and asset data livestreams. The cloud-based software provides field service organizations with an end-to-end solution to ultimately improve their customer experience and reduce costs by making their asset data actionable, automated and proactive. Organizations can easily integrate their asset data into Salesforce to monitor asset performance, automate service response, predict asset maintenance and leverage a servitization-based business model. To schedule a demo of Bolt Data Connect, get in touch.

Evening Networking at Co-Hosted Dinner with ServiceMax
On Tuesday, August 16th, Bolt Data co-hosted a dinner at The Lucky Rooster along with Aquant and Baxter Planning. Attendees enjoyed a fun, lively evening of networking, drinks and food with fellow field service professionals.

Exciting Apple AirPod Pro Raffle Giveaways to Conference Attendees
To make the conference even more exciting, we held a raffle giveaway for Apple AirPods Pros to two attendees. Congratulations to the winners!